About Me

Life’s potential has always intrigued me. The way we create things, build our lives, forge relationships, drive evolution and progress.

I know that’s why I became a doctor, having practiced pediatrics for over 10 years because it is an amazing experience to support children and youths with a lifetime of potential ahead of them. I know that’s also why I find myself called as a coach to support people in their pursuits of a well-lived, impactful life.

Most of us run into barriers with focus, productivity, goal-achievement, and changing behaviors at some point in our lives that threaten to limit our potential. It’s even harder for those of us with ADHD, executive function disorder, or simply a lack of resources and training on how to overcome such barriers. Sometimes, we even sacrifice our own health in trying to do so. Supporting people in overcoming these barriers – as early as childhood – is not only something I enjoy, but also something that I can uniquely contribute to the world.

The path to get here took me through medical school, my pediatrics residency, and a management and leadership fellowship at Duke University Medical Center. I also completed my MBA at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, as well as my Health and Wellness Coach training at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, after which I earned my National Board of Medical Examiners Health and Wellness Coach certification. Since then, I’ve learned how to weave together my medical knowledge on ADHD and executive function as a doctor, my training to support a person’s growth and well-being as a wellness coach, and my understanding of business environments, work productivity, and performance science through my business degree and administrative work, bringing all of this to bear in a unique way for the people I support.

These days, I live with my senior pup in the greater metro Atlanta area, where I enjoy exploring dog-friendly trails and hikes, finding the best burger and barbecue joints, and spending time with my family, friends, and tribe.

I’ll leave you with this quote to remind you that those of us with messy calendars, homes, and desks are all brimming with potential:

If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, we can’t help wondering what an empty desk indicates.

Attributed to The Wildrooter Magazine as well as to Albert Einstein